Trevor Bartlett

Director of Photography, Photographer, & Graphic Designer.

All my life I have expressed myself through creative forms of art. Whether it’s music, animation, photography, graphic design, or video production I love it all. I am always eager to see what I can create next. As a child I was heavily into drawing and constructing. I made my own actions figures out of broken toys and even built sets for my friends and I to play on. I learned at a young age how good it feels to achieve creative goals and haven’t stopped since.


   Today I create websites, graphic designs and video productions for many clients. I make sure I meet all my deadlines and keep every client happy. I especially love the clients that give me creative freedom over their project. I believe I know how to feel the project and know what is needed to express itself.

    I dream of having a successful production company one day that has no limit of accomplishments! I will create bigger and better projects that will surprise me every time. I have been passionate for the arts all my life.  Lets work together making projects come to life!

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